Sunday, July 13, 2008

Project Proposal

Tiernan and Bigpickb will work on our Fantasy Island project this week - we're in over our heads but Esme says she will be there for us - as always! It will be a heroic quest - an ecosystem is in grave danger and needs to be saved - is there someone out there larger than life who is up to the task? Hopefully, this adventure game will be characterized by investigation, exploration, puzzle solving, and interaction with characters. We realize that creating characters in SL will more challenging than other adventure game writing environments within which we have worked in the past. These savory and unsavory characters will help and hinder. There will be lots of clues and red herrings. We plan to have these clues and red herrings take the form of note cards and objects that we will place in boxes around the Marlboro Island. Be careful whom and/or what you trust! In reality, most of what we do will be conceptual but we hope to build the frame of the game and do as much as time allows.

We will incorporate the core academics disciplines - Literacy, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Following a series of clues the participant will move around the virtual world and after overcoming obstacles will hopefully "save the day”! If “A” + “B” are met - then “C” happens - kind of like the old Logo days when Tiernan and Bigpickb used to write adventure games! We think the game will take on a life of its own once we get going - who knows - SIM CITY here we come!

We see this heroic quest/adventure game as a curricular integrative activity which will allow kids to develop the core academic skills in the context of a science content rich environment. We will need assistance in implementing the use and analysis of variable conditions within SL.